Started by Brittany and Max Sheets, originally Wineot Travel but now The Varietal is a wine organization that specializes in  rating wines, wine travel, and wine events to help those who want to take a deeper look into the wine world. Established in 2017 The Varietal contributors have been to over 32 different wine regions, 270+ wineries and tasted thousands of wines.

Max and Brittany have been involved in the wine industry for over 14 years and have been able to collect multiple certifications over that time. Max recently received his Wine Spirits and Education Trust (WSET) Level 3 Certification in Wine, and Brittany completed her Intro to the Court of Master Sommeliers. 

Reviews Explained


Wine Reviews

Wine rating scales are tools used by wine critics, sommeliers, and enthusiasts to evaluate and communicate the quality and characteristics of wines. These scales aim to provide a standardized method for assessing wines, allowing consumers to make informed decisions and compare different bottles based on the ratings assigned to them.

One of the most well-known and widely used wine rating scales is the 100-point scale. This scale assigns a numerical score to a wine, typically ranging from 50 to 100, with higher scores indicating better quality. Wines scoring 90 points or above are generally considered outstanding, while those scoring below 80 points may be perceived as lacking in quality or having notable flaws. The 100-point scale offers a detailed assessment of a wine’s various attributes, such as aroma, flavor, structure, complexity, and overall balance.

Another commonly used rating scale is the 20-point scale, which provides a more nuanced evaluation of wines. In this system, wines are scored on a scale of 0 to 20, with increments of 0.5 or 0.25. Wines receiving scores between 17.5 and 20 are considered exceptional, while those falling below 12 are often considered subpar. The 20-point scale allows for more precise distinctions and finer gradations in evaluating wines.

In addition to numerical ratings, wine rating scales often include written descriptions or tasting notes that provide further details about a wine’s characteristics. These descriptions can offer insights into the wine’s aroma, flavor profile, body, acidity, tannins, and finish. Tasting notes can be valuable in helping consumers understand the style and potential enjoyment of a particular wine.

Here at Wineot Travel we chose to use the 100-point scale as we feel it is the easiest to understand and comprehend for both avid and casual wine drinkers alike. We accompany our ratings with reviews that identify key features of the wine to help look past what might be our preference and provide insight for making more personalized choices for the reader. Our rating scale can be found below:

  • 96-100 Points: Outstanding – We believe this wine is the cream of the crop, a wine that shows complexity both now but also with age, is well balanced and includes a long lingering finish. It exemplifies the true meaning of what this wine should be in all aspects showing signs of place and varietal.
  • 90-95 Points: Exceptional – This wine shows great promise with some complexities and a great balance. The separation between these wines and the wines under the 96-100 Point category can be found in the details. The wines included here may not have the subtle intriguing aspects that you only get once in a long while.
  • 85-89 Points: Great – These wines can range from easy daily drinkers to the start of something awesome. A wine that can not only be drank on a weekday but also shows well at gatherings. This is the category you will start to see some of the complexity and balance falter but is almost always at a fairly good price point.
  • 80-84 Points: Average – These wines are your run of the mill wines, wines that can find just about everywhere. Complexity is not a thing with these wines and along with a lack of balance.
  • 70-79 Points: Below Average – These wines can tend to have a lack of both direction and inspiration. They show little to no complexity and balance has almost entirely disappeared.
  • 60-69 Points: Well Below Average – These wines are uninspired with no complexity and balance. Finishes tend to be non-existent.
  • 50-59 Points: Unacceptable

While wine rating scales can be informative tools, personal taste should ultimately guide one’s wine preferences. Exploring different wines and developing one’s own palate is an enjoyable way to discover new favorites and appreciate the diversity of wines available.


Winery Reviews

As previously mentioned, we find the 100-point scale to be the easiest to understand for the entire wine community, so we have brought that to our winery reviews as well. Where this differs slightly is the breakdown. We have broken down the 100 points into five different categories; tasting, vineyard/winery, hospitality, extras and cost each being worth 20 points. A description of what goes into each category can be found below:


  • Tasting – This piece of the puzzle is directly related to our reviews. It takes into account only the wines we were able to taste while on location.
  • Vineyard/Winery – The 20 points found in this category is given based on overall aesthetics of the vineyard and winery. What were the grounds like, how nice was the chateau or winery, and how was the atmosphere.
  • Hospitality – Were they accommodating, helpful and knowledgeable about the wines.
  • Extras – This is the fun one, what type of other offerings did they have. This can range from a cooperage (Chateau Haut-Brion), a lavender field (Matanzas Creek Vineyard), a restaurant (Leoness Cellars), food pairings, bed & breakfast, etc. The list can go on and on.
  • Cost – This category can be a little difficult, we take into account not only the direct cost to consumer but was what was offered worth the cost of admission. This can sometimes be relative so please read the reviews to see if you think it would be worth it for you.

The breakdown of our rating scale can be found below:

  • 96-100 Points: Outstanding – These locations are absolutely stunning; you could say they are the full package. Hitting high marks on all the five criteria, these are must visits no matter where you are located. Seek these out and plan trips just to see these. 
  • 90-95 Points: Exceptional – These locations are incredible in their own right offering great wine, great views, amazing people and so much more. Do not miss out on these gems. Plan your trip around them. 
  • 85-89 Points: Great – A great stop while on your trip, you might not want to go out of your way for these but they still offer up some charm and are great wineries to visit while planning your time around others scoring higher.
  • 80-84 Points: Average – These can be found everywhere and anywhere, nothing special to see and not much to offer but still a fun place to check out.
  • 70-79 Points: Below Average – These locations showed some issues in the five categories.
  • 60-69 Points: Well Below Average – These had some major problems in a few of the categories, make sure to watch out at these locations.
  • 50-59 Points: Unacceptable